วันอังคารที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

          Today. I would say to Thailand. In the present Thailand have 77 city. 77 is a province by province Bungkan. Although Thailand is just a small country. It is filled with plenty of places to visit. And there are many places that are not classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Thailand also. Cultural diversity of the region, I think Thailand. Is another country that is world class.

วันพุธที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

100! What you may not know.

100! What you may not know.

1. In Tokyo, Japan, the average travel time by car will be faster than taking the car to 50 minutes.
2. With animals in the bread, cookies, crackers are 18 species.
3. Prince Charles and Prince William never travel in the world went on by. The same plane.
4. Body and destroy red blood cells to 15 million cells per second.
5. Been observed in a deck of cards, some do not trump the King's heart, with no mustache.
6.In casino of Las Vegas, U.S.A., don't have crock.
7. A player in each slot machine 1 to 8 of the U.S. population in Las Vegas.
8. Mona Lisa has no eyebrows? Due to popular fashion renaissance eyebrows shaved off.
9. Every day is a bank was robbed about 20 banks will have to average $ 2,500 per meeting.
10. Name has been popular for a very first in the world is Muhammad.
11. The purpose of the original table is provided for spec sheets. The fabric for the dinner guests at the hands and face after eating it.
12.Tourists to visit in Iceland should know that tipping in restaurants, that is an insult to insult.
13. His fourth of the Popeye, what I called it a Pipeye, Peepeye, Pupeye, and Poopeye.
14. With the use of tea into cubes instead of the money in Siberia to study the 19 st century.
15. In the glass. Glass fragments are moving at speed. 3000 miles per hour.
16th. Boeing. 747 fuel contains up to 57,285 gallons.
17th. Instrument contains a piece of wood to 70 pieces.
18. To take up to 1 million years for glass to decompose. Or can be said that glass is a material that can be recycling application. The property has no end.
19th. Forest fires will spread and spread faster than the uphill side to him.
20. More than half of the newspapers published in the world, the United States and Canada.
21. Used in lipstick contains fish scales the most.
22. Production Pํ package that contains the product code Bar code is used chewing gum Wrigleys.
23. You can not fold a square paper roll to roll it over 7.
24. A left-handed people die from using a product for people. Right more than 2,500 people per year.
25. Building Empire nitrate used as a component of more than 10 million bricks and blocks.
26. Crocodile teeth to grow replacement teeth is not always there.
27. Sun is 330,330 times larger than Earth.
28. "Jiffy" is a unit of time at 1/100 of a second.
29. Men are animals that float.
30. Sentence like "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog" contains all the letters of the English language. 24 is not unique. And this is true. That would be 21 more than I do not know them. But they do not include pool a e i o u.
31. The longest word in English that do not use the same font (15 fonts), the word "uncopyrightable".
32. Statistics noted that the maximum time that a chicken is 13 seconds long on the net.
33. Can of cat urine glows in black light, light.
34th. Electric chair used to execute prisoners. Invented by a dentist.
35th. Wind turbines are rotating clockwise. The wind turbines in Ireland, the counterclockwise rotation of the clock
36. It fell out that the zipper is YKK stands for Yoshida Kogyo Kabushibibaisha. The world's largest zipper manufacturer.

37. To 40% of the profit McDonald. Made from the sale of Happy Meals.
38 .. choc chocolate kill a dog, a fact that chocolate has a shot. Affect the heart and nervous system of the Sunnah. B, only a few ounces can kill a small dog, then.
39. Owner of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer.
40. Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand. And painted by hand along the way.
41. Magic number if you multiply 111,111,111 X 111,111,111 result is 12, 345, 678, 987, 654, 321.
42. In the hay. Our eyes are always closed.
43. Cockroach can live for up to 10 days even without the family.
44. Plumb Yo-Yos. Once used as weapons in the Philippines.
45. In Mexico City sank sunk 10 inches each year.
46. ​​"Dreamt" is a single word in English that end in "mt".
47. The human brain are active during sleep than while watching that video.
48. The ancient Egyptians to lay his head with a pillow made ​​of stone.
49th. Until the year 1796 to the State Government in the name of Franklin is in the state Tennessee.
50. On average we have 1,460 dreams a year
51. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb cover Dit is afraid of the dark. 52. In one night, a mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet deep to get a shot. 53. Hippopotamus can open the mouth wide with a height of 4 feet can. It is placed at the mouth of the stock. Afternoon. 54. The world, we have approximately 6,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons (5,940 billion billion metric tons). 55. The state of Florida just a single state is larger than the country of England.
56. With more than 10,000 birds a year die from flying into glass windows.
57. Man is born with 300 bones, but when it's grown to 06 pieces of bone, leaving only two.
58th. Femoral strength than the concrete again.
59. The heart of the people are dancing over. 100,000 times a day.
60th. Camel is an animal whose eyes the 3rd floor to the impact of Desert Storm
61. In life. I eat it with a weight equal to 60,000 spots. Holland (27,000 kg) or an equivalent Java 6. 62. Dolphins sleep with one eye open for. 63. Find a piece of gum at the age of the oldest in the world. 9,000 years old. 64. In space, astronauts can not cry. Due to weightlessness ใhgm eye can not flow out of the eye. 65. 3,000 years ago, most Egyptians died by the age of 30 years. 66. Most people use blue toothbrushes than red.
67. The wind out of the mouth by a sneeze can be measured in speed. From the mouth one more. 100 miles per hour.
68. In the world occurred around the earth. 6,000 times per minute.
69. Owl is a bird species that are blue.
70. It is illegal in Switzerland If you close the door loud bang.
71. The jellyfish and the water was up to 95%.
72. Chang is one of the few kinds of animals, mammals that It can not jump.
73. Penguins are birds that can swim but not fly.
74. Number 1 in 4 of the human bones in the feet.
75. A man named Charles Osborne is the man who sneezed more than 69 years ago.
76. Giraffe can clean its ears with their tongue (with a length of 21 inches).
77. Chewing gum while cutting onions to reduce tearing.
78. Bats always turn left when you fly to fly out of the cave.
79th. Human eye has more than 10 million times a year.
80. In the year he was the Papa John Paul 2, formerly known as "Honorary Harlem Globetrotter".
81. Just one gallon of used motor oil can ruin 1 million gallons of water clean up.
82. Dust in the home, mainly from the expiration of the skin to peel off.
83. Average person laughs 13 times a day.
84. Men than women up to six times the lightning.
85th. Are all in English, the word "set" as a description. Most definitions. (Not to open the dictionary, English - Thai load).
86. Cause of choking the neck of the American people, mainly from a toothpick.
87. The letters in the English language is used most is the "E" is the smallest personal use "Q".
88. In the world, an earthquake occurs, at least. 50,000 times a year.
89. This muzzle can be used to identify the identity of the dog. The same fingerprint.
90. The leading scorer for the opposite of the dice will add your company being always equal to 7.

91. Bison color blindness, so that it ran in recharge the matador waving a towel so it does not come in any color. 92. Of the study showed that apples are effective in solving sleepy in the morning than caffeine again. 93. Called poison-arrow frogs are poisonous, toxic intensity that can kill up to 2,200 people, ever. 94. Average iceberg weighs 20 million tons a pole. 95. Smell of banana or apple green (it only. I do not eat) properties can help reduce weight. 96. The flies eat it. It is the first out and then back into it again. 97. Lump of gold the size of a boxing match. Can be attacked as a flat sheet of equal size tennis court. 98. Name of the Butterfly (Butterfly) is "Flutterby"! 99. Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel. "Gadsby", which contains over 50,000 words. But incredibly no one on the letter "E". 100. Finger nails to grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails.